Opening Scene Analysis

The camera does not move during the first minute or the opening scene but after the explosions happen a pan is used to show more of the explosions happening

As the camera moves around the mans room remains at a mid-close up shot/ medium shot and does not reveal the whole room at once - this confuses the audience as we are only shown the room item by item and we almost have to piece it all together.
After we are shown his face again, he gets up and the camera moves as if he was holding it while he walks towards the window
Most of the time that his face is shown, there is dark lighting

The fading in and out of the man and his room continues until about half way through the opening scene which the forrest completely goes off the screen and we and now only shown the man and the room he is in.
When the scenes are changing, the transition used is almost always a fade

The camera moves around the mans room to show us different items in his room - one of the first things we are shown in the room clearly is a glass of alcohol with the bottle next to it on a messy table
We are shown a gun under his pillow
Before we even see anything, we hear a sound. This sound is a helicopter - this suggests that helicopters will play a big part in the movie; also suggests that this is a key sound and sound in general is a big part of the film as we hear that sound before we see anything. After the helicopter flies by, music begins to play and then the helicopter sound comes back. Even during the explosions, the calming music does not stop playingEven when the forrest scene is gone we can still hear the helicopter sound while the music continues to play
Then when we see his face again, the music fades out
When there is a close up of him looking out the window, all the sound goes away and there is silence
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