The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner is about a teenage boy, Thomas (played by Dylan O'Brien), who arrives in a glade at the center of a enormous labyrinth. Like every other boy that has been dumped there before him, he has no memory of his life. Thomas soon becomes part of the group of the other people in the glade and becomes a runner - someone who patrols the maze that always changes in hope of finding an escape route. A female called Theresa (played by Kaya Scodelario) is then also dumped into the glade as the first female ever.The Maze Runner uses a range of elements that contribute to the mise-en-scene which helps introduce the movie to the audience. Right at the start, the main character Thomas is in a metal cage containing random objects. A close-up shot of Thomas' face is used to show his facial expression. Then a medium shot is used to show us the cage which helps us see that he is trapped and cannot do anything about it as there is no way out. The fact that the audience itself doesn't really know where Thomas is, creates intrigue. The audience is also even more intrigued when we see what is in the cage - random objects such as metal barrels, crates and rope. There is a series of close up shots used to bring out attention to these objects. These objects are used to confuse the audience about where Thomas came from and where he is going. While Thomas is in the cage, a canted camera angle is used to create a sense of confusion/unpleasantness.
In general, the film uses a range of shots and angles in order to create specific effects. The film is full of mystery and includes alot of action which helps keep the audience interested. Overall I enjoyed the film a lot as it finishes on a cliff hanger which creates intrigue and hints that there will be more parts to it, which now there is.
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