Film form - NOTES

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Film form

The film form contributes to the meaning and purpose of the film. The elements that make up the film are cinematography, editing, mis-en-scene, sound and performance.


      - this is the use of the camera and lighting
      - lighting adds to the meaning and mood e.g bright lighting would set a positive mood 
      - angles e.g. high, low - low angles can be used to show someone is powerless 
      - shot types e.g.   close up - close up shots are often used to show facial expressions
      - movement e.g. zoom, pan


      - relationship between scenes e.g. cut, fade
      - editing sometimes links to narrative as the editing helps tell the story


        - what is in the shot
        - focus on background, props used, setting
        - the mis-en-scene sets the scene and often introduces us to the movie


       - e.g. music, sound, fx, spoken sound
       - sound can be diegetic or non diegetic
       - Diegetic = realistic noises. If the characters can hear it, its diegetic e.g. sound of cutlery
       - Non-diegetic = sound that the character can't hear e.g. narrator



          - the way that the actors act
          - this includes the actors mannerisms, expressions and movement
